Uttarakhand Stories


Read articles, news and new trends prevailing in Uttarakhand to brush up your knowledge about Uttarakhand which is evolving rapidly. Reading is addicting and when you read you not only educate yourself about certain things but you also condemn the ideology of other people.

Amazing Pictures of Rainbow Spotted in Different regions of Uttarakhand

Amazing Pictures of Rainbow Spotted in Different regions of Uttarakhand

As a child, everybody must have eagerly waited for the 'fox's wedding' to happen it occurred when it poured heavily during the broad daylight. When...
पलायन – मात्र एक चिंतन भर

पलायन – मात्र एक चिंतन भर

सुबह की शुरुआत हुई तो अमर उजाला की खबर पर नजर पड़ी, काली गाढ़ी 'हैडिंग' में साफ नजर आ रहा था "पहाड़ पर 2.80 लाख...
Bugyals – The Enchanting Meadows of Uttarakhand

Bugyals – The Enchanting Meadows of Uttarakhand

The green embroidered meadows are as majestic as the imperial Himalayas of Uttarakhand when one walks barefoot on the enchanting meadows it is then he...
Online Interview with Sameer Shukla, Founder of ‘Soham Heritage & Art Centre’ and a Preservor of Himalayan Art & Culture

Online Interview with Sameer Shukla, Founder of ‘Soham Heritage & Art Centre’ and a Preservor of Himalayan Art & Culture

Learn about the 18 years old journey of a couple who was determined to preserve the Himalayan heritage and have succeeded in it by giving...
11 Rare and Unseen Pictures of Uttarakhand: Then and Now

11 Rare and Unseen Pictures of Uttarakhand: Then and Now

'The Abode of Gods' Uttarakhand has been tempting the wanderers, mystics and globe-trotters from years because of its unparallel beauty that outshines at par. But...
Interesting Facts You Should Know About Char Dham

Interesting Facts You Should Know About Char Dham

Most of the devotees might have undertaken the Char Dham Yatra of Uttarakhand but do you know the lesser known facts related to these holy...
Patal Bhuvaneshwar Cave: The Underworld of Gods

Patal Bhuvaneshwar Cave: The Underworld of Gods

Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand has several hidden places which make us believe it is truly the abode of Gods. One such place that restores our faith...
विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस – एक नज़र से

विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस – एक नज़र से

5 June 2016 | Dehradun आज पूरा  विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस मना रहा है किन्तु वर्तमान में ज्यादातर लोग इसकी परवाह नहीं करते। ” Lancet study...
Rani Karnavati ‘Nak-Kati-Rani’: The Invincible Queen of Garhwal

Rani Karnavati ‘Nak-Kati-Rani’: The Invincible Queen of Garhwal

Uttarakhand, a beautiful Himalayan state of India referred to as 'Dev Bhoomi' always lack good historians that can showcase the real facts and figures of...
चल मेरे दोस्त जरा साथ में जी लेते हैं

चल मेरे दोस्त जरा साथ में जी लेते हैं

चल मेरे दोस्त जरा साथ में जी लेते हैं.. इन ऊँचे पहाड़ों की, संग में थोड़ी दुरी तय कर लेते हैं.. आजाद पंछी की तरह...
Ten Classic Hits by Narendra Singh Negi Ji

Ten Classic Hits by Narendra Singh Negi Ji

The legendary Narendra Singh Negi Ji has been entertaining us for years by producing one after another hits which have been admired by both the...
Interview with Praveen Kumar Bhatt, the author of Aur Coca-Cola Haar Gaya and Encyclopedia of Uttarakhand

Interview with Praveen Kumar Bhatt, the author of Aur Coca-Cola Haar Gaya and Encyclopedia of Uttarakhand

When I wrote an article on ‘Aur Coca-Cola Haar Gaya’ book I never knew that I would get a chance to meet its author, Mr....
Top 10 Hill Stations of Uttarakhand – To beat the Heat

Top 10 Hill Stations of Uttarakhand – To beat the Heat

It looks like the Sun God is infuriated from the mortals and has incurred his wrath by raising the temperature unexpectedly in these summers. Forget...
Rare Pictures of Kumaon and Garhwal Himalayas in the 1890s

Rare Pictures of Kumaon and Garhwal Himalayas in the 1890s

Ever wondered how Garhwal and Kumaon were back in the 1890s? If you are a curious soul like me then let's go on a time...
Phooldei Festival of Uttarakhand- A colourful festival of Flowers

Phooldei Festival of Uttarakhand- A colourful festival of Flowers

Arriving in the month of March, the Phool Sankranti festival popularly known as the Phooldei festival is celebrated to welcome the onset of Spring season....
श्री देब सुमन – उत्तराखंड के एक महान स्वतंत्रता संग्रामी

श्री देब सुमन – उत्तराखंड के एक महान स्वतंत्रता संग्रामी

आज उत्तराखंड के महान स्वतंत्रता संग्रामी श्री देब सुमन जी की 100वीं जयंती है। हम सभी को उनके अमर बलिदान के बारे में पता होना...
No more Forest Fire as Electricity will be Generated from Pine Needles

No more Forest Fire as Electricity will be Generated from Pine Needles

With the outburst of several opinions that Pine trees are posing a threat to the forests of Uttarakhand as they are highly flammable now the...
Divine Lakhamandal Temple Handed Over to Locals after Renovation

Divine Lakhamandal Temple Handed Over to Locals after Renovation

After the restoration, the state tourism has finally handed over the ancient Lakhamandal temple to the gram panchayat on Sunday so as to provide the...
Anand Sankar, a city-bred guy giving wings to the dreams of Kalap villagers

Anand Sankar, a city-bred guy giving wings to the dreams of Kalap villagers

Some people aspire to become successful and rich while, some wish to take the road less travelled, such is the story of Anand Sankar, a...
10 Easy Treks in Uttarakhand for the Nature Lovers

10 Easy Treks in Uttarakhand for the Nature Lovers

Uttarakhand is blessed with ethereal beauty, you’ll find little dew drops of nature scattered lavishly in this celestial Himalayan state. There are numerous hiking trails...