The forest fires have become the headlines of the newspapers while some speculate it is the result of scanty rainfall, the others believe there is something fishy. We have listed few reasons which according to us have caused the forest fires to spread in more than 13 villages of Uttarakhand. What do you think have caused the forest fire in Uttarakhand? share your notions as we want to know what’s the take of Uttarakhadi’s on the 2016 Forest Fires.
1. High Temperature: High temperature with no atmospheric moisture turn out to be one of the major reason behind the Uttarakhand forest fire.
2. Shifting Agriculture Practise: Agriculture practise such as shifting agriculture is also a major reason behind the forest fires to occur. In this practise, the villagers set fire to the forests in order to expect a better growth of grass. They also make handful earnings by selling the dead trees which is their source of illicit income.
3. Climatic Change: The climatic change can also be a significant reason behind the forest fire as the 2015-16 El Nino, which is one of the strongest on record has turned global weather systems upside down.
4. Mismanagement of the Forest Department: Forest Mismanagement has also lead to the raging forest fires to take place. On knowing there were no winter rains to lock the moisture in the soil, the Forest Department should have taken some effective measures to stop the unforeseen situation.
5. The Pine Trees: Pine trees also known as Chir are highly inflammable and cover more than 16% of Uttarakhand. Last year the government was highly criticized for proposing the plan of chopping lakhs of Pine trees to control the forest fire. Many famous environmentalists protested the move saying, it will result in wanton chopping of deodar, oak, and other vegetation. Rather, they presented a more effective that Pine needles should be collected to obtain resin from it. But as for now there are no Pine trees left for implementing the idea.
6. Timber Mafias: There are Timber Mafias who burn the vegetation in the areas where the locals own forested land. These mafias can only sell the trees when they die and then start off with the construction work. Some villagers also participate in this illegal activity and by selling the timber a nexus is formed. At present, the net worth of the burned wood from the forest fire is estimated to be thousands of crores, from which the illicit timber black marketers will make handsome profits.
7. Fire Line:
As per the latest update, 4 people have been investigated that are believed to have caused the forest fire and strict action will be taken against them.
No respite from forest fires despite dwindling forest cover in Uttarakhand clearly points to nexus between unscrupulous politicians cum timber mafia’s in complicity with the forest officers and officials.
One more reason of fire- The theives fell trees, these theives can be anybody they may be peasants to timber mafias. Then just before a rainfall when the dark clouds are visible, these people light fire in the jungle. These people light the fire and leave it on the rains to curb the fire. These selfish Uttarakhandis should be ashamed of their misdeeds. Stringent actions should be taken against such culprits. In fear of their misdeeds getting known and Just to hide their own misdeeds these cowards ruin the environment, kill innocent men, animals, birds.